Our background, society, culture, stereotypes, and the media all make up our unconscious bias. Unconscious bias influences what we think, the judgements we make, and how we act. However, these biases can be detrimental, especially in our working lives. Do you know how to identify your biases and recognise when they are taking control? Take our quick quiz below to find out.
What is the contrast effect?
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What is prejudice?
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What is conformity bias?
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Which of the following is an example of affinity bias?
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Which of the following is an impact of unconscious bias in a business?
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Unconscious Bias Quiz
Want to learn more about the skills that you need to recognise your own prejudgements? Take a look at our Unconscious Bias Training.
Ellie Collier is the Content Production Manager at High Speed Training.
As well as all areas of compliance, Ellie has always been passionate about mental health and has produced a range of materials to help teachers initiate positive conversations around it. She has featured in publications like Education Today for her work and produced a Mental Health Resource Pack for Schools, which was shortlisted for the Teach Secondary Awards 2019.