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Select a topic to find the most up to date, practical information and resources produced by our experts to support you in your professional life.
Teaching with confidence is important and can bring many benefits to yourself and your students. Find out how you can teach with confidence here.
A family support worker is a person who provides vital support to families. We outline everything you need to know about the role here.
Our parents’ guide to TikTok outlines all you need to know to keep your child safe whilst using the global video sharing phenomenon.
Our parents’ guide to Snapchat outlines all you need to know to keep your child safe whilst using the popular photo-sharing app.
Confidentiality in childcare is essential for upholding legal rights, data protection compliance and child wellbeing. If you work in childcare, learn more here.
All schools must have arrangements in place to support pupils with medical conditions. Discover the guidelines on administering medication in schools here.
The Children and Families Act 2014 was established to give children and their families greater support and protection under UK law. Learn more here.
The mobile phones in schools debate is an ongoing conversation that needs to involve everyone affected, learn more about mobile phones in schools here.
Whistleblowing is important for schools to identify any wrongdoing within their organisation. Learn more about whistleblowing policy and procedure in our article.
The levels of need are an important part of your safeguarding responsibilities. Understand the levels of need and what’s included in a threshold document here.