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Mixed ability grouping can boost inclusivity, morale and peer-to-peer learning. Find out how to incorporate it in your classroom here.
A career in education is as varied as it is rewarding and there are numerous roles available. Explore a variety of teaching and non-teaching roles here.
Teaching with confidence is important and can bring many benefits to yourself and your students. Find out how you can teach with confidence here.
The special education needs coordinator (SENCo) has responsibility for helping SEN children to reach their full potential. Understand more about the role here.
Reducing food waste in schools not only helps to protect the environment, it also saves schools valuable money. Find 10 ways to reduce your food waste here.
The Environmental Act 2021 aims to reduce the environmental impact of waste generated by businesses. Understand the new food waste legislation here.
Problem solving can be a highly beneficial method of teaching to enable students to apply knowledge to situations that are relevant to their world. Learn more.
Financial literacy in schools is an important topic that can set students up for life with the money skills they need for success. Learn more here.
Ability grouping in education helps to deliver the right teaching and resources to pupils and assists students to reach their full potential. Learn more here.
All schools must have arrangements in place to support pupils with medical conditions. Discover the guidelines on administering medication in schools here.