7 Ways Staff Volunteering Can Improve Your Organisation
In today’s fast-paced business world, finding ways to enhance employee satisfaction and community engagement is more important than ever. One powerful yet often overlooked method is encouraging staff to participate in volunteering activities. Not only does volunteering benefit the community, but it also brings a myriad of advantages to organisations and their employees. To mark Volunteering Week (3-9 June), Jenny Wells, Head of HR at High Speed Training, a registered B-Corp, explores seven compelling reasons why your organisation should prioritise staff volunteering.
1. Boosts Team Building and Collaboration
“Volunteering offers a unique opportunity for employees to bond outside the usual work environment. When colleagues work together on community projects, they build trust, improve communication, and strengthen their relationships. These experiences can translate into better teamwork and collaboration back at the office.” said Jenny.
“At High Speed Training, we offer all employees 5 paid volunteering days a year. This allows for all of our teams to take an active role in our communities, and helps remove barriers that may otherwise stop employees volunteering, and shows your commitment to your colleagues, communities and worthy causes.”

2. Positive Community Impact
“Organisations that encourage volunteering can make a tangible difference in their local communities. By dedicating time and resources to community projects, companies can address local issues, contribute to causes that align with their organisation’s ethos and contribute to societal well-being.”
“Volunteering initiatives allow organisations to demonstrate social responsibility, and underline their commitment to being a force for good in the communities that they exist in.”
3. Develops Employee Skills
Volunteering provides employees with opportunities to develop new skills and competencies that are directly transferable to their work roles. Skills such as leadership, project management, and problem-solving are often honed during volunteer activities.
“Volunteering doesn’t have to just be gardening or painting! Many charities and community groups need support with things that closely align to employees’ business skills, such as social media guidance, Excel training, mentoring or business coaching. This allows employees to share their skills and knowledge with worthy causes and help foster sustainable practices.” said Jenny.
4. Increases Employee Engagement and Retention
A study by Neighbourly [1] found that 70% of employees who had volunteered with their organisation were more likely to trust their employer, and that employees who had gone through a volunteering program reported higher levels of workplace happiness.
“In 2023, staff at High Speed Training completed over 650 hours of volunteering time with 17 different organisations and charities. Providing employees with volunteer opportunities allows them to feel valued and engaged, meaning they are far less likely to look to leave their role, increasing retention rates and reducing employee churn and the need for costly recruitment.” said Jenny.
5. Benefits to Staff Mental Health
“Engaging in meaningful activities outside of work can provide a real sense of achievement and fulfilment, as well as helping with social bonding and feelings of isolation. In a world of work where many people still work from home, getting out and engaging with colleagues and people working in the community can have huge benefits.” said Jenny.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness reveals [2] that volunteering can help to reduce stress, increase happiness, develop confidence and help employees to develop a purpose.

6. Improves Company Reputation
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, such as volunteering, can greatly enhance a company’s public image, improving customer loyalty and helping to demonstrate an organisation’s values and ethos.
A report by Cone Communications found that 87% of customers would purchase a product because the company advocated for an issue that they cared about, and that when a company supports a social or environmental cause, 92% of respondents would have a more positive image of the organisation. [3]
7. Having fun!
“Volunteering, especially in groups or individual teams, is a great way to spend a morning, afternoon, or even a whole day! Shaking up your working routine, heading out and getting your hands dirty can be a lot of fun. We often get reports from our colleagues that they love our volunteering days, and our opportunities with local charities always fill up fast.” said Jenny
Encouraging staff to volunteer is a win-win strategy for any organisation. It provides real benefits to employees, strengthening working relationships and helping to build skills and improve mental health. It also helps bolster an organisation’s culture, and creates a more attractive and responsible workplace.
Further Resources:
- How to Promote Environmental Awareness in the Workplace
- The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for Your Business
[1] https://hub.neighbourly.com/volunteering-employee-engagement-report/
[2] https://www.nami.org/people/how-volunteering-improves-mental-health/
[3] https://www.cbd.int/doc/case-studies/inc/cs-inc-cone-communications-en.pdf