Christmas Activities for Care Homes

Safeguarding Adults

When it comes to festive events in care homes, there are many different ways to celebrate. Find Christmas activity ideas for care homes here.

Dec 3, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Online Safety and Harms Quiz

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

As education professionals, you need to feel confident in your knowledge of potential online risks and harms. Test your knowledge in our quiz here.

Nov 29, 2021
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Child Development Quiz

Education Teachers and Parents

It is important to understand exactly what happens during the early stages of a child’s development. Test your knowledge in our child development quiz here.

Nov 26, 2021
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How to Respond to Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Schools

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

It is vital that all school staff know how to recognise harmful sexual behaviour. Find guidance on responding to incidents appropriately and effectively here.

Nov 24, 2021
clock Icon 8 min read

Guidance on Complaints Procedures in Health and Social Care

Safeguarding Adults

Understanding how to deal with complaints in health and social care is essential. Find useful tips to consider when responding to a complaint here.

Nov 19, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Understanding the Importance of Motivation in Education

Education Teachers and Parents

Motivation in education is an essential ingredient in effective teaching and learning. Find guidance on promoting positive behaviour here.

Nov 17, 2021
clock Icon 10 min read

Hypoglycemia Awareness: Guidance on Diabetes Complications

Hypoglycemia often affects people with diabetes and happens when the blood sugar levels drop too low. We outline the symptoms and the main causes here.

Nov 8, 2021
clock Icon 10 min read

How to Support Children With Speech, Language, and Communication Needs

Education Teachers and Parents

Speech, language, and communication needs can have a huge impact on a child’s life and future outcomes. Find out how to support SLCN here.

Nov 5, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Using Technology in Health and Social Care

Safeguarding Adults

There are many different types of technology in health and social care. Our article examines the benefits and how they’re used in healthcare.

Nov 1, 2021
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Curiosity Approach in Early Years: Importance and Ideas

Early Years Education Teachers and Parents

The Curiosity Approach is a creative and innovative method of supporting child development in the early years. Learn about how it works here.

Oct 27, 2021
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We’ve teamed up with former England star, Paul Stewart, to protect our future sporting heroes

Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

We’ve worked in partnership with Paul Stewart to develop our Safeguarding in Sport course. Learn about how to help safeguard children in sports clubs here.

Oct 25, 2021
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How to Promote LGBTQ+ Inclusive Education in Schools

Education Equality and Diversity

Children learn through the messages their school culture and curriculum promotes. Find out how you can support LGBTQ+ education in schools.

Oct 22, 2021
clock Icon 10 min read

Volunteer Roles in Schools: What Are the Requirements?

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Are you looking for an opportunity to help out in the world of work? Find out how to build up your experience through volunteer roles here.

Oct 15, 2021
clock Icon 8 min read

How to Talk to Someone Who is Suicidal: Raising Awareness Through Myths and Facts

Mental Health and Wellbeing Safeguarding Children

Understanding how to talk to someone who is suicidal could save somebody’s life. We offer guidance on recognising the risk factors and more.

Oct 13, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Safeguarding Children in Sport: A Quick-Start Guide for Parents

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

As a parent or carer, it’s important to challenge poor practices in your kids’ sports clubs. Find out how you can play your part in keeping children safe in sport here.

Oct 8, 2021
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What is Medication Management and Training for Carers?

Mental Health and Wellbeing Safeguarding Adults

Medication training ensures the correct management is used when treating medical conditions. We outline the responsibilities for carers.

Oct 8, 2021
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Guide to Safeguarding Children in Sport

Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Our guide to safeguarding children in sport examines the legal responsibilities of sports leaders & how to raise any safeguarding concerns.

Sep 29, 2021
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How to Combat Dehydration in Health and Social Care

Safeguarding Adults

Within the health and social care sector, dehydration can have a severe impact. Learn about the ways it can be recognised and prevented here.

Sep 27, 2021
clock Icon 8 min read

How to Develop a School Bereavement Policy: Free Template

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Having a school bereavement policy means that staff will be more confident working with bereaved students. Download your school bereavement policy here.

Sep 22, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Reception Baseline Assessment: Guidance for Teachers & Parents

Education Teachers and Parents

Almost all children will need to complete the reception baseline assessment. Find guidance on what it entails and how you can best prepare for it here.

Sep 20, 2021
clock Icon 15 min read