Our range of over 180 online courses are fully accredited, trusted by more than 3 million learners and ideal for training you and your team.
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Select a topic to find the most up to date, practical information and resources produced by our experts to support you in your professional life.
A collation of checklists, posters and guidance designed to support the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and relevant procedures.
School governors play an important role in the success of a school. We outline the role of a school governor and their various responsibilities, here.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead resource pack provides guidance and information on the responsibilities of the role. Download the resource pack, here.
A safeguarding flowchart complements your organisation’s child protection and safeguarding policy. Download your flowchart for reporting concerns, here.
Contextual safeguarding is an important addition to the current safeguarding approach. We explain what it means and how it influences your role, here.
Are you the Designated Safeguarding Lead at your establishment? How well do you know the responsibilities involved? Quiz & Additional Resources Provided.
What are the responsibilities of a designated safeguarding lead? If your organisation works with children or vulnerable adults, then you need to know.
We have created Parents’ Guides for the most popular social media apps. Find all you need to know to keep your child safe online, here.
The 6Cs provide a set of common values that help to ensure all patients receive a high quality of care. We outline the importance of the 6Cs, here.
Are you the Designated Safeguarding Lead at your school? Take a look at our summary of your regulatory requirements and find further resources.
In this case study, we look at how TLC Care used online training to reaffirm practices which prepared staff for applying knowledge under high pressure.
Whistleblowing is an essential part of safeguarding vulnerable adults. We explain the procedure and how to ‘blow the whistle’ in healthcare, here.
It’s incredibly important to challenge mental health myths and break down the stigma surrounding it. We aim to outline 8 common myths and facts here.
A routine helps to bring consistency and comfort to a child. Find useful ideas to add to your child’s routine and download our weekly planner, here.
Transitioning to homeschooling during Covid-19 could be a challenging adjustment. Here’s some tips from our colleagues at High Speed Training.
Discover how not-for-profit The REACCH Project used High Speed Training’s online course library to upskill members, volunteers and staff.
Our parents’ guide to Twitter outlines all you need to know to keep your child safe on the social network. Further information and resources provided.
Our parents’ guide to Facebook outlines all you need to know to keep your child safe whilst using the hugely popular social network.
Our parents’ guide to Instagram will tell you all you need to know, so you can help your child enjoy using the increasingly popular app safely.
Having a written safeguarding policy is essential in any education setting. Download our free safeguarding policy template here.