Prevent Duty Guidance for Teachers: Free Resource Pack
As someone who works with children and young people, you have responsibilities relating to the government’s Prevent duty. The Prevent duty relates not only to terrorism, but to radicalisation and extremism.
Prevent aims to stop people from being drawn into extremism and terrorism, and support those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation.
We have created a pack for educators which we hope will be useful in helping you to understand and fulfil your prevent duties.

Need a Course?
Our Prevent Duty Training will help you consider signs that may indicate an individual may be vulnerable to, or be experiencing, radicalisation, how to respond to your concerns, and how Prevent and the Channel programme work in practice.
Who is the Pack for?
The pack is designed for teachers, lecturers, and university and school staff.
Inside you’ll find:
- An overview of the Prevent strategy.
- Practical tips for managing controversial classroom topics.
- Information on the fundamental British values and ways to incorporate them into your curriculum.
- The statutory duties in the childcare and education sector.
- Finally, a quiz to test your Prevent knowledge.
We hope you find this resource useful.
Further Resources:
- Fundamental British Values: Prevent Strategy Lesson Plans for Teachers
- The Prevent Strategy: Tips for Managing Controversial Topics
- How to Tackle Incel Culture in Schools
- Prevent Duty Quiz
- Safeguarding Responsibilities of School Staff
- Prevent Duty Training: What Do I Need to Know?
- Prevent Duty Training