Prevent Duty Quiz
Test Your Knowledge of the Prevent Strategy
If you’re a frontline worker, especially one working in the education sector, you’ll have responsibilities under the government’s Preventing Radicalisation strategy. This means you must take due regard to protect vulnerable people from being drawn to extremism and terrorist-related activities. If you’re unsure about what this might mean for you, try taking our quick quiz to see if you’re Prevent knowledge is up to scratch.
Do you know how the UK government defines radicalisation?

Which piece of UK legislation includes the duty to prevent radicalisation?

Which of the following should front-line staff know?

What is a Counter-Terrorism Local Profile?

How could schools take appropriate action to protect young people from accessing extremist content at school?

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Further Resources:
- Prevent Training: What Do I Need to Know?
- Prevent Duty Training
- Prevent Guidance Pack For Teachers (Free Download)
- The Prevent Strategy: Practical Tips for Managing Controversial Topics in the Classroom
- Fundamental British Values: Prevent Strategy Ideas for Teachers