Our Top 10 Resources of 2022
As we enter 2023, we’re looking forward to all of the exciting plans we have coming up this year, and we hope you are too! But as the start of the new year is a time for reflection, we thought we’d look back at some of our favourite pieces of content from 2022.
We’ve rounded up a list of our top 10 resources from last year on the Hub, covering all of our specialist subjects. There’s something for everyone! Start your year off right by diving into some of our best expert content…
Favourite Resources of 2022
Business Skills
Whilst compliance and expert knowledge are important, it’s core skills that are the building blocks of a successful business. Not only do they help maintain the efficiency of your work, but they are key to helping propel your business forward, which is essential in a rapidly changing world. With a new year comes new changes and developments, and it’s in your best interest to keep up.
Here are our top two business skills articles from the past year which provide expert guidance on how to ensure your business continues to thrive in the modern day.
What is the Importance of Digital Skills in the Workplace?
With many of us still working from home, and 82% of all jobs in the UK listing digital skills as a requirement, being adept in a variety of digital skills is increasingly becoming a necessity for employability. Whilst you may think you have all the skills you need to get by, there is always room to improve your knowledge and increase your value as an employee in the modern world of work.

In this article, we define what digital skills are, provide examples, discuss why they’re vital in today’s work environment, and provide insight on how to improve your digital skills.
Read more here.
How to Promote Inclusive Communication in the Workplace
We all communicate in many different ways every single day; As a result, our communication has a huge impact on every aspect of our lives, and is a core skill that everyone should continuously aim to improve. Inclusive communication is essential for creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and can bring a diverse range of skills and qualities to your organisation.
We explore the importance of recognising that individuals may have different communication styles, alongside how to use inclusive language, active listening and empathy to make sure that inclusive communication is promoted in your workplace.
You can read the article here.
Working in education is a highly rewarding role, however there are always new challenges to face. Being trusted with a child’s education and wellbeing is undeniably a big responsibility, and therefore it’s important to stay on top of the latest guidance and continue adapting your teaching style to meet the needs of individuals.
Luckily, we have a huge range of expert resources on every aspect of education and safeguarding children, so you have free access to a wealth of useful information for your role. Here are a couple of our recommendations from 2022.
Supporting Pupils with SEN in the Classroom: Guidance for Teachers
With an average of four children in every class who require support for special educational needs, being able to effectively support these children in the classroom is an essential part of any teacher’s job. The quality of a teacher’s support has a huge impact on the academic and social outcomes of a child with SEN, and therefore it’s important to continuously strive to improve your SEND practices.
Find our top tips for increasing your confidence in implementing effective teaching strategies and approaches for pupils with special educational needs in our article below.
Read more here.

How to Create a Positive Learning Environment
The area and culture in which a child learns, including their physical, social, and emotional surroundings, has a direct influence on their ability to learn. Therefore, it’s important that you’re able to provide a positive learning environment in which children are able to flourish as this can have a hugely positive impact on a child’s overall development, particularly if they don’t have access to safe and secure surroundings at home.
Interested in finding out more about what a positive learning environment is and some actionable steps you can take to improve your teaching and learning space?
Read our full article here.
Health and Safety
Noone wants to enter the New Year with concerns for their health or safety, but whatever industry you work in, an emergency could occur anywhere and at any time so it’s important to be prepared to act quickly. Additionally, knowing a few simple steps to help prevent illness or accidents can go a long way to protect your personal health and safety and ensure you’re physically able to achieve everything you want to this year.
The Hub is packed full of informative Health and Safety resources, but we’ve picked a handful to highlight here that we’d encourage you to dive into.
The 7 Steps of Hand Washing – Free Poster
Whilst infection prevention measures are important all year round, it’s particularly essential to protect yourself against infections during the winter months when our immune systems are suppressed and viruses thrive in the colder temperatures. If you have children, or work in an educational environment, this risk is increased further when schools return in January and infectious illnesses spread between families.
Though it seems like a small and insignificant protectant, knowing how to properly wash your hands, and doing so regularly, is vital in the battle against infectious illnesses. We detail the best hand washing method to help kill germs, along with a poster you can download and share, below.
You can read the article here.

Guidance on What To Do If Someone Is Choking
Knowing how to react if someone around you starts choking is a potentially life-saving skill, and therefore it’s important to have an awareness of the actions you should take in this scenario regardless of the role you work in. The significance of knowing how to react is demonstrated in our case study about one of our learners, Emily Kahn, who saved a child’s life when she noticed him choking at her workplace.
Our article details how to recognise the signs that someone may be choking, and how to respond to cases of both mild and severe choking. We also detail the variations in approach and technique you should take depending on the age of the sufferer.
Read the full article here.
Food Hygiene
Food allergens have always been a vital topic of awareness for anyone working with food, however it’s becoming increasingly discussed as new legislation, such as Natasha’s Law and Owen’s Law, continues to be fought for and introduced. Therefore, it’s more essential than ever to stay up to date with the latest food hygiene and allergens advice to protect consumers and remain compliant.
Here are our top two industry leading resources from the past year to help you test your knowledge and stay informed.
Food Hygiene 2022 Report
Interested in knowing how your town ranks for food hygiene? Our comprehensive report gathers food hygiene rating data from food establishments all across the country to find out which locations are the most, and least, safe to eat out in. Additionally, we provide in-depth information into how and why food hygiene ratings are used and why food businesses gain the ratings they do.
Read the full report here.

Food Allergy Awareness Quiz
Although it may be easy to think you know everything you need to know about food allergens, making mistakes can be life-threatening and therefore it’s a good idea to test your awareness and see if there are any gaps in your knowledge.
Our food allergens quiz helps make sure you fully understand how to ensure the food you sell is safe for everyone to eat, with clear allergen labelling that complies with Natasha’s Law. Ready to test your knowledge?
Take the quiz here.
Additionally, to further check you’re doing everything you can to protect consumers, use our Food Allergen Risk Assessment & Checklist, including free templates that you can download and print.

Health and Social Care
We understand that the past few years, including 2022, have been especially busy for the Health and Social care sector, and we commend you for continuing to care in these uncertain times. Because of this, we want to continue to offer expert support wherever we can to help you develop and thrive in your role to offer the best care possible to those who are most in need.
We’ve selected our top two Health and Social Care resources to guide you in continuing to focus on the individuals you care for and being able to effectively meet their needs in the coming year.
How to Promote Empowerment in Health and Social Care
Personal relationships are essential to our wellbeing, and this is perhaps especially true for people accessing care and support. Therefore it’s important to be able to help foster these relationships as a health or social care worker so that the individuals you support are able to express themself and feel empowered despite their vulnerable situations.
You can find expert guidance on what empowerment in health and social care means, why it is important and how to empower service users, along with examples in care settings, in our article below.
Read more here.

What is Person-Centred Care and Why is it Important?
With ever increasing demands on caregivers meaning you’re constantly busy supporting many people, it can be easy to lose sight of the individuals behind the conditions you treat. However, to provide high quality care it’s important to meet every need beyond just those of an ailment. This is not only a more fulfilling way of providing care, but also helps to improve the environment of health or social care settings as a whole.
Learn in depth about the benefits of providing person-centred care and how to apply it in practice in our article exploring how you can maximise individuals’ quality of life.
Read the full article here.
Choosing a top 10 from our library of over 800 resources was a tricky task. From quizzes, posters, guides and the latest industry news, our readers engaged with a range of material spanning a variety of different topics. Why not take a look at some of our other content surrounding safeguarding, health & safety, business or food hygiene and decide your favourites for yourself.