Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Quiz
Test Your Knowledge of NLP
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is the study of human behaviour. People study NLP to hone in on their thoughts, actions and emotions so as to understand more about how they work together, why they work like they do, and understand the impact they can have on our everyday behaviour and reactions. With practise, NLP can aid your relationships, change your way of thinking and help you to move forward with your life. Have a go at our quiz to see what you already know:
Personal beliefs that hold you back, stop you finding solutions or stop you achieving your goals are called what?

Which of these communication styles may lead to someone using phrases like 'I see what you mean' and 'things are looking good'?

Which of the following would NOT help you to build rapport with someone?

When we talk to someone, what percentage of our message comes across via our body language?

If you separate yourself from an experience and see it from a distance, rather than being involved in it, what is this state called?

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Further Resources:
- Neuro Linguistic Programming – A Beginners Guide
- How to Promote Positive Mental Health in the Workplace