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Select a topic to find the most up to date, practical information and resources produced by our experts to support you in your professional life.
Lone working applies to working from home & staying late in the office, as well as roles such as electricians & cleaners. Use our checklist to manage risk.
Both flammable & combustible materials can catch fire, yet their different flash points mean they come with varying risks & storage methods. Read more here.
We cover the responsibilities of private landlords in terms of gas, electrical, fire safety and repairs. Get the guide here.
Hazards are present in every workplace. Familiarise yourself with the 6 categories so you can minimise the risk to yourself and employees.
If your workplace needs to carry out certain high-risk activities, it must have a permit to work. Test your knowledge with our quick quiz here.
Due to the high mortality rate in construction, managing occupational health & mental wellbeing is paramount. Find helpful tips in our guide.
Although important, Christmas health & safety can be taken too far. We’ve collected both the funny and the sensible to make sure you enjoy the festivities.
Do you know how to carry out necessary fire safety measures in your premises. Test your knowledge with our quick fire risk assessment quiz.
As an employer, you have a legal duty to reduce any potential risks to your employees’ health. Part of this duty, involves carrying out a COSHH assessment if hazardous substances…
Fire drills are essential practice, especially in buildings full of people with varying needs such as schools. Take a look at the steps advised here.
How much do you know about warehouse safety practices? Test your knowledge in our quick quiz! Further information and resources provided.
Fires can be especially dangerous in care homes due to the nature & health of residents. Ensure your fire safety knowledge is spot on with our quiz.
If spills are improperly managed they can have dangerous consequences. Our guide lists the essential contents for a spill kit so you can be prepared.
Find essential gym health and safety guidance here, including inducting new users, staff training requirements and conducting a risk assessment.
Fire risk assessments must be carried out by a responsible person in any business or community setting. Download your free PDF template here.
If your job is based in a workshop, it’s essential that you’re aware of the hazards. Learn about how to protect yourself and your colleagues from harm here.
When working with lead the employer must ensure exposure is controlled. Our guide & downloadable template will help you take steps to reduce the dangers.
An A-Z glossary defining common welding terms to help you get your head around the technical vocabulary. Further information and resources provided.
Accidental injuries caused by sharps can be life-changing. Try our needles and sharps quiz to test your knowledge.
Work near cooling towers or spa pools? Our guide provides information to assist with your legionella checks and reduce the risk of the bacteria thriving.