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Select a topic to find the most up to date, practical information and resources produced by our experts to support you in your professional life.
Residual risk in health and safety is the remaining risk that exists after control measures have been implemented. Understand more here.
Quality assurance in construction is vital to ensure projects are completed to schedule, on-budget and up to standard. Learn more here.
Construction can prove to be a varied and fulfilling career. Find some questions that you may be asked during an interview for a position in construction here.
Those looking to change careers from a construction job have many options. Take a look at our guide to find out how to switch careers from construction.
If you’re interested in becoming a site manager, you’ll need to know what the job role entails & what skills and qualifications you’ll need. Learn more.
Appointing a competent person is an essential part of health and safety compliance. Understand the responsibilities here.
A fire safety policy is an essential part of risk management for all types of workplaces, buildings and premises. Download a free fire safety policy template here.
If manual handling is part of your workplace’s operations, then it’s important to carry out a manual handling risk assessment. Download a free template here.
The Building Safety Act 2022 is an important piece of health and safety legislation. Understand the key points of the Building Safety Act here.
All organisations are required to manage health and safety risks. Look at at what an ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system is here.
It is important to consider the potential hazards a Christmas tree can pose. Find everything you need to know about Christmas tree safety here.
Investing the time to obtain the necessary qualifications and work experience will help you pursue a role in engineering. Find out how to become an engineer.
Welding is a skilled trade in an industry that can provide you with a job for life. Find everything you need to know about becoming a welder here.
If you are interested in becoming a scaffolder, it is important to know what skills and qualifications are needed. Find out how to become a scaffolder here.
Pursuing plumbing as a career could be a lucrative opportunity. Find guidance on the skills and qualifications you need to become a plumber here.
If you or someone you know is at risk of experiencing anaphylaxis, it’s vital to know how to use an adrenaline auto-injector. Understand how to use an AAI here.
A personal emergency evacuation plan is essential for those that cannot evacuate a building unaided during a fire emergency. Download a free template here.
In this case study, we look at how High Speed Training provided a convenient and effective way to train staff at The Workplace Depot.
Plastering is a career that’s always in demand in the UK. Find everything you need to know about how to become a plasterer here.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a common workplace injury, but are largely preventable. Find out how you can prevent MSDs in your workplace here.