Deep Fat Fryer Safety
Deep fat fryers are one of the most dangerous appliances used in a kitchen as they are full of very hot oil that has the potential to cause burns or even fires. If you use a deep fat fryer at home or at work, then it’s important that you know how to use it safely in order to reduce the risk of harm. In this article, we’ll explain how to use a deep fat fryer safely at home, how to clean your deep fat fryer, and provide safety tips for deep fat fryers in commercial kitchens.
What is a Deep Fat Fryer?
A deep fat fryer is a type of electrical kitchen appliance that is used to cook foods by submerging them in very hot oil. They are used in both commercial and domestic (at home) kitchens.
Deep fat fryers help to create foods that are soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside, like fried chicken, chips, hash browns, battered fish, Tempura and doughnuts.
Using a deep fat fryer is safer than using a pan full of hot oil to fry foods, which can be incredibly hazardous. Despite this, deep fat fryers still present a significant level of risk due to the presence of hot oil that has the potential to cause serious burns or fires. For this reason, deep fat fryers must be used safely and properly.

How to Use a Deep Fat Fryer
Follow these easy step-by-step instructions for how to use a deep fat fryer safely:
- First choose an oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or sunflower oil. These oils can be heated to a very high temperature before they begin to smoke or burn, so are the most stable for deep fat frying.
- Fill the deep fat fryer pan with oil to the correct level – usually around two-thirds full. Never fill the fryer more than the maximum level as the oil could bubble up and spill over the pan.
- Set the temperature according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure the oil reaches a correct, safe temperature. As a guide, set the fryer to 160 °C for low, 180 °C for moderate and 190 °C for high. Never heat the oil higher than this as it can catch fire.
- Add your food to the hot oil but never overload the basket/pan.
- Gently lower the basket/pan into the hot oil and cover.
- When the food is cooked, slowly raise the basket/pan and remove the food with a slotted spoon or tongs. A slotted spoon allows any excess oil to drain off the food.
- Turn off the deep fat fryer and leave the oil to cool before draining or removing it.
The oil inside a deep fat fryer can reach incredibly hot temperatures, meaning there’s a high risk of getting a serious burn. Whilst the oil takes just 6-7 minutes to heat up, remember that it can take several hours to cool down again after use, so always take care when handling used oil from your deep fat fryer. Our guide on how to treat burns and scalds is essential reading for anyone who owns a deep fat fryer at home.
How to Clean a Deep Fat Fryer
The following guidance, provided by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), explains how to clean a deep fat fryer safely whether you own one at home or operate one in a commercial premises. To clean your deep fat fryer:
- Turn off the deep fat fryer, either at the wall or using the on/off control for gas appliances.
- Ensure the oil is drained thoroughly and that there are no spillages on the floor, as these can be a slip hazard.
- If required by your employer, wear suitable protective clothing, such as eye protection.
- Remove any loose food from the internal surfaces of the deep fat fryer then wash inside thoroughly using soap and water or a food-safe cleaner. Avoid abrasive cleaners that might scratch the appliance.
- Drain the deep fat fryer of any cleaning water, then rinse thoroughly and dry well, ensuring no water remains inside the fryer.
- Check the oil draining valve is closed and working properly.
- Your deep fat fryer is now clean and ready to be refilled for next use.

Deep Fat Fryer Safety Tips
Both at home and in commercial premises, deep fat fryers present a number of hazards so they must be used correctly and safely. If used inappropriately or without care, deep fat fryers can easily cause fires, burns and injuries to the user and other people around them. Follow our deep fat fryer safety tips below to ensure you’re using your appliance with safety in mind, whether in your own personal kitchen or in a catering establishment.
Deep Fat Fryer Safety Tips At Home
- Never leave your deep fat fryer unattended when it’s full of hot oil, as it can overheat, ignite or spill over in a matter of seconds.
- Keep all sources of water away from your deep fat fryer when it’s full of hot oil, as water and hot oil can cause serious burn injuries when mixed together. This includes even the smallest drops of water from wet foods or wet utensils, for example.
- Never heat the oil above 200 °C as the oil can burn and ignite, causing a fire. Most modern appliances have automatic cut-out systems built in to prevent the oil from getting too hot, but always take care and monitor your deep fat fryer whilst it’s in use.
- Bear in mind that different types of oil have different smoke points, meaning they are only safe up to a certain temperature. The safest oils are vegetable and sunflower oils. Never use olive oil as this has a low smoke point.
- Only use equipment and utensils that are intended for use in hot oil, such as stainless steel. Avoid copper or iron utensils as these can cause the oil to foam.
- Drain your food of excess oil once it’s been cooked by holding it over the fryer for a few moments to drip, or by using a drip tray.
- To dispose of used oil safely, ensure it has cooled completely (this can take several hours) and then pour it into a jug, then back into its original bottle or another sealable container. Never pour the oil down the sink.
Deep Fat Fryer Safety Tips in Commercial Kitchens
If you use a deep fat fryer in your workplace, then your employer has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 to ensure you are able to use it safely. This means ensuring the deep fat fryer is used correctly, maintained properly and that a sufficient risk assessment is carried out. This applies whether the deep fat fryer you use is manual, automated or semi-automated.
In the first instance, all members of staff that use deep fat fryers must be properly trained in how to use the appliance safely, including how to empty and clean it, what protective equipment to use/wear, how to report any problems and what to do in case of fire.
Filtering the oil and cleaning the deep fat fryer should be daily tasks that occur in your premises and usually as one of the first tasks of the morning. Employers must ensure a risk assessment for filtering, emptying and cleaning the deep fat fryer has been conducted, as this will ensure all hazards have been identified and suitable control measures are in place. Our article on How to Do a Risk Assessment provides more information on this topic.
Below are more deep fat fryer safety tips for use in commercial kitchens:
- For large deep fat fryers that hold a large quantity of oil, keep in mind that oil containers can be very heavy and present a risk of manual handling injury. Use several smaller containers of oil if possible or ask a colleague to help carry larger ones.
- Use anti-slip mats on the kitchen floor around the deep fat fryer to prevent slip hazards if oil gets onto the floor during operation.
- If the deep fat fryer is operated continuously and never switched off, try to use more than one fryer so they can be cleaned in rotation. An automated filtering system can also be useful, as this removes the hot oil directly from the fryer and holds it safely until it can be emptied.
- If the deep fat fryer is switched off overnight and manual emptying/oil filtering is required, always make sure the oil has cooled to 40 °C or below first.
- Ensure you have a suitable Class F fire extinguisher on the premises and near to your deep fat fryer. Oil can easily ignite and must be put out with the right type of fire extinguisher or fire blanket.
Deep fat fryers are an appliance used in many commercial and domestic kitchens to produce a range of crispy fried foods that consumers love. However, hot oil must be used safely and can present a serious risk of fire and burns if not used correctly. Follow our deep fat fryer safety tips to ensure you remain safe from harm and get the most out of your appliance.
Further Resources:
- Food Hygiene Courses
- Fire Safety Courses
- Guidance on Air Fryer Safety
- How to Clean an Air Fryer
- Slow Cooker Safety Guide