November 18, 2014
Clock Icon 5 min read

Test Your COSHH Awareness

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health - or COSHH - is the law that requires all employers to ensure that they are sufficiently controlling harmful substances in the workplace. If you work with harmful substances then it is essential that you understand how to identify them, handle them safely and use appropriate control measures. Test your knowledge with our quick quiz below.


What does this GB CLP symbol mean?

GB CLP symbol
Correct! Wrong!

LEV is a suitable control measure for reducing hazardous substances in a workplace, but what does it stand for?

Cylinders of hazardous substances in storage
Correct! Wrong!

What does routes of entry refer to?

Baker kneading dough and flour on wooden board
Correct! Wrong!

What is a workplace exposure limit?

Nail artist painting customer's nails in salon
Correct! Wrong!

What is a common ill-health effect caused by exposure to hazardous substances at work?

Worker spray painting car and wearing protective equipment
Correct! Wrong!

Test Your COSHH Awareness
Want to learn more about how to work safely with hazardous substances? Take a look at our COSHH Training Course.

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