Careers in Education

March 17, 2025
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A career in education can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. The chance to pass on your expertise, guide the next generation of learners and inspire curiosity in others are just some of the reasons why working in education appeals to so many. 

A career in education is as varied as it is rewarding and there are numerous different roles available. Whether you are just starting your career in education or considering trying something new within the field, there is truly something for everyone. In this article we will outline the types of roles that are available in education and explore why a career in education may be right for you. 

What Types of Roles are Available in Education?

When thinking of a role in education, many people think first and foremost of teachers. Teaching is one of the most popular roles in education, however it is not the only career option available. A career in education can range from teaching in a classroom, to developing the very training materials used to teach. It can encompass working with young children, or the elderly, or working behind closed doors to provide vital educational resources.  

This wide range of options is also reflected in the different available settings for those working in education. You may end up working in a school, whether it be a private, a state or a grammar school, or in the archives of a museum. There are many different options available and it’s important to know and understand what’s available so that you can pick the right career path for you. 

List of Careers in Education

The education sector has countless different roles. Knowing what interests you and what you seek to gain from a career in education can help guide you to pick the right role. For example, if you enjoy passing on your knowledge and the opportunity to engage with and inspire new minds, then a teaching role in education may work best for you. Comparatively, if you enjoy researching information and making positive changes in your community at a legislative level, then a non-teaching role such as working in a think tank may work best for you. 

Below you will find a selection of some of the more popular careers in education. They have been divided into teaching and non-teaching roles. This list is by no means exhaustive, however, it provides an insight into the breadth of roles available in the education sector. 

Teaching Roles

As mentioned above, teaching roles are some of the most popular roles in education. Teaching is considered a generally stable career and post-covid there continues to be a massive demand for teachers in light of increased vacancies. 

Popular teaching roles in education include:

School Teacher drop down menu

Teachers educate students of all ages and abilities. You can specialise in one subject, or focus on early years and primary education as a form tutor. School teachers can teach early years, primary or secondary age pupils. There is also the option to specialise in working with Special Educational Needs (SEN) children as either a SEN teacher or SENCo. School teachers plan and develop lessons for their pupils inline with the national curriculum. They are essential to a child’s learning and development and create supportive and nurturing learning environments. School teachers can teach in private (also known as independent) schools, state schools or grammar schools. To work in a state or grammar school you will need to have a teaching qualification, however, you can get a job at an independent school without one, though it is preferable to have one. Teaching abroad is also an option with many pursuing a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) qualification, so that they can teach abroad, though this is not the only route to teaching abroad.

Teaching Assistant drop down menu

Teaching assistants (TAs) support teachers in the classroom and help children with their reading, writing and learning activities. They can specialise in a specific type of extra support such as language and communication, behaviour management or pastoral care. TAs can work with individual children or groups of children and can specialise in working with SEN pupils, though this may require specialist qualifications.

Private Tutor drop down menu

Private tutors offer supplementary education to students outside of the school environment. Private tutors tend to be individuals with a teaching background or individuals with specialist knowledge in a specific subject. They offer 1:1 support to students helping to bridge any gaps between their knowledge and national curriculum standards. Whilst many private tutors are hired to supplement a child’s education, they are not required to follow the national curriculum like schools and so generally have a lot more freedom when teaching.

University Lecturer drop down menu

University lecturers, also known as higher education lecturers, research and teach at universities and higher education colleges. Their role is similar to school teachers, however university lecturers tend to specialise in one subject or field with years of experience on that specific topic. University lecturers often have a PhD in their respective field and along with teaching students, will contribute to their respective department’s research.

Sports Coach drop down menu

Though not a teaching role in the traditional sense, being a sports coach does involve sharing knowledge and educating pupils in a similar way to a school teacher. Sports coaches help people to improve in their chosen sport and plan and deliver training sessions to support their pupils’ development. They also encourage pupils to enjoy physical activity and fitness.

Other teaching roles within education include:

  • Academic Mentor
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Substitute (Supply) Teacher
  • Environmental Education Officer
  • Training and Development Officer
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Looking to Learn More?

Our range of Teaching and Education courses can provide you with the necessary skills to teach with confidence and inspire your pupils. We offer a variety of courses such as our Challenging Behaviour Training and SEND in the Classroom course, enabling you to build on your existing knowledge or learn new skills to help you and your students excel in the classroom.

Non-teaching Roles

The world of education is vast and so too are the available careers and they are not limited to teaching positions. There are plenty of options for those with a background in education who do not want to teach, but still want to use their qualifications, or general passion for education, in their career. 

Popular non-teaching roles in education include:

School Governer drop down menu

School governors work alongside teachers, specifically more senior members of staff such as the head and deputy head, to ensure that a school is being run effectively. They oversee different aspects of how a school is run, such as its educational performance and finances and they are accountable to parents, the local community and local authority. All state schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have a governing body and this body is made up of school governors. School governors are volunteers and whilst a background in education is not essential, it can greatly help when assessing a school’s efficacy. For many, being a school governor gives them the invaluable chance to improve children’s education and in turn help their local community.

Academic Librarian drop down menu

Academic librarians work in universities and further education colleges and provide resources to students and staff. Academic librarians provide support to members of the academic community by signposting useful key information and resources. They often specialise in a specific area or subject that reflects their academic background and, as well as providing the necessary information, they support students and staff in developing their own research skills.

Researcher drop down menu

Researchers use their expertise and skills to research topics and support the publication of new studies and findings. Also known as academic researchers, a researcher’s primary responsibilities include supporting faculty staff, planning research, attending meetings with colleagues and supporting the strategic direction of a department. Researchers are mainly based in universities and are required to have extensive knowledge of their specialist area. They can also work outside of academia in private roles, government departments, NGOs or think tanks.

Education Officer drop down menu

Education officers develop programmes designed to engage visitors who may not normally visit their premises such as young people, children or the elderly. Education officers often facilitate school trips and may work in establishments such as museums or art galleries to create activities and workshops for visitors. Role responsibilities include engaging with the local community, hosting activities and events, developing educational resources for visitors and liaising with schools and colleges in the local community to promote use of their facilities.

Career Adviser drop down menu

Career advisers often work in schools to help students make decisions about their future careers and what options are available to them. Career advisors can work with individuals or groups and provide advice on what steps need to be taken to attain a specific career. Many career advisers work in schools to support students during critical stages of their school career such as during GCSE exams, A-Level exams or university applications. They can also work for training providers and businesses.

Other non-teaching roles within education include:

  • Ofsted Inspector
  • Educational Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP)
  • Education Publisher
  • Admissions Officer
  • Education Consultant

Why Work in Education?

Whilst working in education can be undeniably difficult, it is also an incredibly valuable chance to give back to the community, inspire the next generation and make a positive difference in someone’s life. Regardless of one’s role, whether it be teaching early years or serving as an education officer in a museum, a career in education can be varied, fulfilling and a source of great job satisfaction. 

There are many different reasons why people pursue a career in education. Some of those reasons include:

  • The chance to be a role model – We’ve all seen the acceptance speeches were a well deserving figure thanks and praises a childhood teacher for inspiring them. Working in education gives you the chance to inspire others and become an aspirational role model for them. This is especially important when considering under-represented groups. For example, in 2023 there were 23,515 professors in the UK, of which only 165 were Black. Of that 165, only 61 were Black women. By working in education, people from under-represented groups can serve as the vital representation that younger generations need to make certain roles seem actually attainable. Civil rights and children’s rights activist Marian Wright Edelman once said ‘you can’t be what you can’t see,’ and for many, working in education enables others to see what is possible for them. 
  • Job security – A career in education is widely seen as a stable career choice. As mentioned, vacancies for teachers post-covid remain high, however even before covid there was ample demand for teachers. The constant demand for teachers, as well as the high public perception of the role’s value, tends to make working in education one of the more stable career paths. 
  • Specialist interest – Many who work in education do so as a means to explore their specialist interest. For example, university lecturers can apply for research sabbaticals in which they take time from other duties, such as teaching, to focus solely on research. This enables them to expand their area of expertise and knowledge as well as working on research for publication. This is a freedom that few other industries can offer and allows those with a passion for a specific field to pursue their passion and enhance their knowledge, whilst earning a decent salary. 
  • Variety – As mentioned throughout this article, the education sector is varied; one may enter the sector as a teacher and leave as an archivist. This variety is very appealing to some and a career in education often embodies the notion that no two days are the same. This could be in your role as a teacher, in which no two school days are the same or in your role in education as a whole, thanks to the many different options available. 
  • Making a positive difference – Education is a powerful tool and can embolden people to make necessary and positive changes to their lives and the world around them. Working in education gives you the chance to inspire this in others and encourage them to try new and amazing things. Whether it be supporting a young student in preparation for their GCSEs or planning a day trip to a science museum for a care home, a career in education can make a massively positive difference to people’s lives. 

A career in education is not limited to teaching and the breadth and variety of the sector ensures that there is something for everyone. Working in education gives you the chance to make a tangible change to someone’s life, pass on your expertise and inspire the next generation of learners. 

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