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Select a topic to find the most up to date, practical information and resources produced by our experts to support you in your professional life.
The refusal of sales log sheet is an essential document for any business selling age-restricted products like alcohol; download our free template here.
How would you rate your understanding of mental illness? Test your knowledge with our interactive quiz created by mental health eLearning authors.
Understand the different types of discrimination that occur in healthcare settings with our definitive guide that includes real, revealing examples.
Bribery & corruption in business are illegal practices. Aside from the legal ramifications, what are the effects of these on businesses operations?
Our free interactive online test challenges your ability and will help you assess the strength of your creative writing skills in a matter of minutes.
How to Spot a Fake ID. We Provide Guidance on Different ID Types and How to Spot a Fake Passport, PASS Card or Driving Licence.
No matter what type of corporate event you’re planning, you can be sure that there’ll be plenty to consider – have you thought about these factors?
Opening a presentation is the most difficult part, especially in a pressurising interview situation – so how do you settle those nerves and start strongly?
Think you have what it takes to become a PA or Secretary? Maybe you just need a refresh? Take our quick PA & secretarial skills quiz to test your knowledge!
What is neuro linguistic programming & what is the relationship to human behaviour? Our guide introduces the topic and defines some critical concepts.
What is a PA? A personal assistant (PA), sometimes called an executive secretary, personal secretary or assistant, works closely with senior staff.
Easy to use guide on writing a business letter, top tips, how to structure a letter and how to write an envelope. Includes practical examples.
How much do you really know about Equality and Diversity? Check out our equality and diversity quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge!
Stress is the overwhelming feeling of being under so much pressure that you feel unable to cope. Take our online quiz now!
If you handle any sort of personal information about individuals then data protection is an incredibly important issue that you must consider.
Customer service is the ability of a business to consistently achieve and exceed their customers’ expectations. Test your knowledge with our quiz today!
Money laundering is ‘the process by which criminals convert the proceeds of illegal activities into legitimate funds’. Take our anti-money laundering quiz!
In recent years street food has become a hot topic, with people flocking from miles around to get a taste. Here’s how to start your own business.
Equipment and recipes are two of the main focuses when starting a cupcake business. But do you know where to start? Read our guide for useful advice.
Understanding and complying with the Data Protection Act 2018 is by no means simple; our summary will make this task a much easier one for you.