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Welcome to the Hub, the company blog from High Speed Training.
Select a topic to find the most up to date, practical information and resources produced by our experts to support you in your professional life.
Test your knowledge of project management in our quick quiz. Our quizzes are free and easy to use. Further resources provided. Try it now!
Test you knowledge in our free leadership and management quiz, it’s free and easy! Mock test and further resources available for managers and businesses.
Find out about three famous time management techniques and how to create a one-week time management plan to suit you! Includes instructions & examples.
Full guidance on Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy aims and free policy template. Download and complete for your business.
Marketing (and usually advertising) any business is vital – how else can you expand your customer base? Read our advice specific to cleaning businesses.
Own a cleaning business? Or thinking of starting one? Learn about all the legal requirements of UK cleaning businesses in our guide.
If you’re thinking about starting your own cleaning company then having a proper business plan is paramount. Our article shows how to write one.
Our guide provides a handy list of the equipment necessary for starting a Cleaning Business. Tips for hiring staff and start-up costs are also included.
There are various different types of cleaning business – which one are you best placed to create? Take a look at our guide.
The UK’s cleaning industry has a reported worth of £12bn, but how easy is it for you to forge a profitable business in this massive industry?
Are you considering starting your own cleaning business? Our chapter by chapter guide will help you find the information you need to start your company.
Take our quick, free online assessment to find out just how much you know about hospitality in a restaurant setting.
How do you rate your Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) knowledge? Take our quick (and free!) online NLP assessment to test yourself!
Read our brief summary of gardening leave; what is it, when does it apply and how does it relate to UK employment law?
Announcing employee promotions is tough to pitch; how do you keep everyone happy? That’s what we discuss and address in our post.
Being a manager is stressful: recruiting the right people, directing employee’s performance and of course, firing. Test your skills with our quiz.
Zero-hour contracts are prevalent within the UK service industry, but why? What are the benefits to the employee and the employer? We examine the facts.
Do you suffer from anxiety? Are you managing your anxieties as well as you could be? Take our quick quiz to find out today.
Written by professionals, our free online negotiation skills quiz allows you to assess your own knowledge of negotiation best practice.
Instigating change in favour of promoting equality, diversity and inclusion isn’t easy – help those who advocate it with our unique suggestions.