Permit to Work Quiz

December 12, 2018
Clock Icon 5 min read

Test Your Permit to Work Knowledge

If your workplace needs to carry out certain high-risk activities, it must have a permit to work. Permits are absolutely crucial for ensuring everyone understands what to do to ensure the work proceeds safely. Though the specific contents of every permit will differ, they must all cover crucial sections and be prepared by a qualified person. Do you know the ins and outs of permits to work? Test your knowledge with our quick quiz below.


What is the purpose of handover procedures?

Correct! Wrong!

Who must sign a permit to work before work can commence?

Correct! Wrong!

A permit to work is particularly important for any work that will:

Supervisor and worker inspecting equipment
Correct! Wrong!

What is an example of work that will likely require a permit to work?

Employer writing notes construction site
Correct! Wrong!

Who should issue permits to a work site?

Worker wearing safety harness at height
Correct! Wrong!

Permit to Work Quiz
Want to learn more about how to prepare a permit, or follow it if your workplace receives one, so you can ensure everyone carries out high risk work safely? Take a look at our Permit to Work Training.

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