Safeguarding for Taxi Drivers Quiz
Test your Safeguarding Knowledge
Safeguarding is an incredibly important practice, and one that we must all take part in. Many taxi companies now request that all drivers partake in safeguarding training before they can receive their license. If you are a taxi driver, you have a unique reach into society and hear things that others may never hear. Because of this, it’s extremely important that you’re aware of how to spot vulnerability and exploitation, and know what you can do to help. Take our quiz below to test your safeguarding knowledge.
Whose responsibility is safeguarding?
Which Act protects those who lack capacity, and enables them to take part as much as possible, in decisions that affect them?
Which of the following is an example of a bad safeguarding practice?
An untidy appearance, malnutrition, and discussions about missing medication may all be signs of what type of abuse?
What is Prevent?
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What to Read Next:
- Guide to Safeguarding Children Legislation
- Establishing an Effective Lone Working Buddy System
- Top 10 Safeguarding Tips for Taxi Drivers
- Safeguarding Training for Taxi Drivers
- What is Safeguarding Training & Why is it so Important?